ATTC – talkMobility 15

ATTC – talkMobility 15

on the topic

“Resilient mobility in the event of a blackout”.

took place on Wednesday, 11 May 2022, the ATTC – talkMobility #15 at K47.

Marc Elsberg wrote about this 10 years ago in his dystopian novel “Blackout”. Until then, hardly anyone could have imagined a widespread power blackout lasting several weeks, but this scenario is now a real threat. The ATTC’s talkMobility#15 focused on the topic of blackouts and their possible effects on mobility.

The international blackout and crisis prevention expert Herbert Saurugg was the keynote speaker for this exciting topic. He impressively described the factors that can lead to a blackout and the resulting implications.  Important in this context: even with a blackout of max. 12 hours, it can sometimes take weeks until all systems are fully operational again. Another interesting question was how a system failure in the working world affects the employees’ ability to act in their private lives.
Following the blackout expert’s presentation, some ATTC members gave a statement on the precautions taken in their companies, thus transferring the topic of blackout to the field of mobility.

The new technical director of the ORF, Harald Kräuter, emphasised in his statement that the ORF can also carry out editorial work during a blackout and distribute information via radio. His tip: buy a camping radio with enough batteries.

New appointment to the ATTC board of directors
Martin Müllner, Team Leader Traffic Information, has resigned from his position as Chairman of the Board of the ATTC. ASFINAG board member and ATTC president Josef Fiala paid tribute to Müllner’s commitment and thanked the man who had been prevented from attending at short notice in his absence. Müllner’s successor is Jacqueline Erhart, who as Team Leader for Connected & Automated Driving in the ITS Services Department has the best qualifications for this office. Congratulations, Jacqueline!

from left to right:

Kasalo ASFINAG & Generalsekretär ATTC

Thomas Ruthner ORF Ö3 & 2. Vorstandsvorsitzender ATTC

Harald Kräuter Technischer Direktor ORF & ATTC Präsidiumsmitglied

Josef Fiala ASFINAG Vorstand & ATTC Präsident

Olivia Peter Radio Wien

Valerie Hackl Geschäftsführerin Austro Control & ATTC Präsdiumsmitglied

Herbert Saurugg, österr. Blackout Experte

Christian Sagmeister, Geschäftsbereichsleiter ÖBB Infrastruktur & 3. Vorstandsvorsitzender ATTC

Jürgen Trögl, Abteilungsleiter Verkehrsmanagement viadonau & ATTC Vorstandsmitglied

Jacqueline Erhart, Teamleiterin Vernetzte & Automatisiertes Fahren & ATTC Vorstandsvorsitzende