13 Jun talkMobility 16 & 20 years ATTC
The ATTC held its 16th talkMobility on 16 May 2023 at Palais Pálffy, celebrating its 20th anniversary!
The Federal Minister for Climate Protection and Mobility, Ms. Leonore Gewessler congratulated the ATTC via video message and highlighted the special position of the ATTC and its members in Austrian transport telematics.
On the podium, Mr. Anders Indset, Ms. Angelika Kiessling-Kranzelmayer and Mr. Wolfgang Kieslich discussed the topic “Generation Mobil(ity)” under the expert and charming moderation of Ms. Olivia Peter!
The new Ö3 youth study among about 40,000 young people of GenZ fitted thematically perfectly into the evening and was immediately taken up. Generation Z is surprisingly pragmatic (affordable mobility on demand) and thinks responsibly (climate and environmental protection).
The importance of the innovative power of entrepreneurship for the mobility solutions of tomorrow was emphasised. Competition and effort were contrasted with the idea of doing without, which, within the framework of a transparent democracy and a balanced legal system, can make it possible to solve today’s problems (social issues, climate protection, affordable mobility).
For the regions and their specific problems, different approaches are needed for the movement of people and goods. This was illustrated by personal examples from Kigali, Rwanda.
It was also mentioned that mobility can also be understood as virtual (home office), but this does not automatically have to reduce the weekly peak loads on the transport infrastructure. Virtual mobility, with the appropriate distribution of physical mobility, can very well contribute to reducing the marginal costs of infrastructure designed for peak loads. This implementation needs a regulatory framework and an economic incentive.
The ATTC members thank you very much for the valuable discussion!