ATTC launches its talkMobility expert discussion series with Galileo specialist Bernhard Hofmann-Wellenhof
Vienna – The Austrian Traffic Telematics Cluster (ATTC) launched its new ATTC talkMobility event series on June 27, 2007. The first evening event focused on the topic “And It Moves after All! Galileo – Realizing a European Vision.” Numerous guests from business, research and industry listened to the talk byProfessor Bernhard Hofmann-Wellenhof, one of the most highly respected Austrian experts in the field of satellite navigation systems.
ATTC president Mathias Reichhold: “Galileo is already generating substantial economic effects in Europe and around the world, and these will have a significant impact in the future. It is estimated that three billion satellite navigation receivers will be in operation in 2020. The Galileo global satellite navigation system is extremely important for Europe in technical, economic and strategic terms.”
During his presentation, Hofmann-Wellenhof stressed that the implementation of a European satellite navigation system is absolutely crucial for Europe. A rapid agreement on the financing of the program within the EU is more important than ever if the continent is to free itself from dependence on other systems like GPS. The investments in Galileo and the resulting benefits should not be called into question, the expert concluded.
The talk looked at some aspects such as the system structure, satellite signals, Europe’s need for the system, the associated implementation hurdles and, of particular interest to the members of the ATTC, what application-oriented services the system will allow. With the launch of its talkMobility series of presentations, the ATTC is seeking to bring a current topic that is highly important to the government, the business community and especially the mobile population to the attention of the public.
The Austrian Traffic Telematics Cluster (ATTC) was established at the initiative of ASFINAG in 2003. Its members hail from the information, telecommunications and automotive industries and from research.
The ATTC wishes to support technologies and their application to increase the attractiveness and capacity of Austria’s traffic infrastructure, promote the development of needs-oriented traffic telematics applications, and assess the market maturity and acceptance of such applications. Because of its focus on the practical testing of solutions and proving their benefits, the ATTC is not a think tank, but a “do tank.”
To achieve its goals, the ATTC has formed a network to develop and apply future telematics technologies. It combines expertise, promotes interdisciplinary cooperation, completes fundamental projects, participates in relevant research activities and establishes contacts with national and international scientists.
Mag. Hartwig Hufnagl
General Secretary of the ATTC
0664/60 108 10326
Invitation: ATTCtalkmobility 1 Invitation