With its talkMobility series of presentations, the ATTC is seeking to bring a current topic that is highly important to the government, the business community, industry and especially the mobile population to the attention of a broad audience. To this end, the ATTC invites renowned national and international experts. The focus of these events is on traffic technology and forward-looking topics.
- tM 15 “Resiliente Mobilität bei einem Blackout”
- tM 14 “Mobilität in Zeiten des Klimawandels”
- tM 13 “Die Revolution der Mobilität – Der Mensch als Passagier der technologischen Entwicklung”
- tM 12 “Verkehrspolitische Weichenstellungen für die Mobilitätslösungen von Morgen”
- tM 11 “Wie wir uns auch in Zukunft aufeinander zubewegen”
- tM 10: “Der Weg in die automatisierte Sackgasse?”
- tM 9: “In die Zukunft denken, Projekte konkret gestalten“
- tM 8: “Wien – Freiburg – Smart Cities im Mobilitätscheck“
- tM 7: “Car2Car Communication – Data Exchange between Motor Vehicles”
- tM 6: “Around the World with the Power of the Sun”
- tM 5: “The Digital Human Telematics User”
- tM 4: “Navigation Systems”
- tM 3: “The Mystery of Climate Change”
- tM 2: “Google Maps” – The Maps of the Future
- tM 1: “And It Moves after All!” Galileo – Realizing a European Vision