ATTC Retreat 2023

ATTC Retreat 2023

This year’s ATTC retreat on artificial intelligence took place in Eastern Styria on September 14 and 15.

In the form of a world café, the participants were offered four information market stands that covered the retreat topic in various mobility themes.

One market stand showed the topic of AI for safety critical domains, presented by Frequentis.

Austro Control Digital Services (ACDS, a subsidiary of Austrocontrol) and Dallmeier Electronics presented AI in cameras and in image processing and remote tower solutions at a joint market stand.


UAS Technikum Wien presented AI and data science in applied R&D projects with various partners.

The information on offer was rounded off with a cutting-edge insight into the state of development and use of quantum computers by Prof. Ivona Brandic (TU Vienna).

With the largest number of participants since the beginning of the event series, this year’s retreat is one of the flagship events in the ATTC’s annual work program.

The ATTC would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of this special retreat.

Andata GmbH had a market stand on the use of AI in vehicle safety and automated, connected driving.