13 Jun ATTC: Change of leadership on the ATTC Executive Committee
Utl.: Mobility expert and ASFINAG board member new ATTC president
Hartwig Hufnagl was appointed as the new ATTC President at the ATTC General Assembly on May 22, 2024. The ASFINAG manager succeeds VD Dr. Josef Fiala, who held the office of President from 2019 to 2024 and resigned due to his upcoming retirement. Mr. Hufnagl is thus returning to a leading position in the ATTC, which he already played a key role in managing as Secretary General between 2006 and 2019.
Mr. Hufnagl has been ASFINAG’s Executive Board Director for Operations/COO since February 2019 and in this role is responsible in particular for the areas of Operations and Maintenance, Planning and Construction, Strategy, Innovation, Research and Development as well as Corporate Services. Prior to this, Hufnagl was, among other things, Head of Network Management at ASFINAG Service GmbH. In addition to his ATTC experience, he has therefore been closely familiar with intelligent transport systems and cross-modal mobility solutions for many years and is considered a proven telematics expert.
The official handover of the ATTC presidency took place in the venerable premises of the Austrian Parliament in Kelsen. Vice President Alexandra Reinagl thanked Josef Fiala for his services to the ATTC and praised him as an integrative figure for an open and constructive exchange within the member companies, who has succeeded in establishing the ATTC as a key player in the ITS community.The new ATTC President Hartwig Hufnagl emphasized that he is very much looking forward to his return to the ATTC in order to continue the ATTC’s successful path together with all members and to introduce new ideas.
At the subsequent talkMobility 17 on the topic of “Artificial intelligence in mobility”, Dr. Josef Fiala, who led the association for eight years as Chairman of the Board in addition to his five years as ATTC President, was awarded honorary membership for his outstanding achievements.
In January 2024, Mr. DI(FH) René Moser, MBA (ASFINAG) was appointed as the new Chairman of the Board and in February 2024, Ms. DIin Jacqueline Erhart (ITS Vienna Region) was appointed as the new Secretary General. Both have been active in the ATTC for years, have already taken up their new roles with great commitment and are looking forward to continuing the ATTC’s success story with the new President.
The “ATTC – Austrian Traffic Telematics Cluster” was founded in 2003 on the initiative of ASFINAG as an association for the promotion of telematics. In the interests of the Austrian economy, the cluster, which consists of 25 well-known Austrian companies from research, business and industry, has set itself the goal of working on both the further development and practical implementation of new technologies in the field of telematics systems for transportation. Since its inception, the ATTC has been a trailblazer for a large number of projects between operators, system providers and research institutions in the field of transport telematics. In addition to classic ITS topics, the current focus is on the use of artificial intelligence in the mobility sector.